The CSSPA (Catholic Secondary Schools Parent Associations) is ALMOST a constituent member of the National Parents Council post primary (NPC-PP).
The secondary system contains a number of different types of school. Each of these sectors has their own National Parent Association.
On the 8th June 1985 Mrs. Gemma Hussey TD inaugurated National Parents Council Post-Primary and it became the umbrella group for the all the National Parents Associations in the Irish education system.
The CSSPA is the representative body for Parents with children in Catholic Voluntary Secondary schools in Ireland. The CSSPA promotes the interests of parents/guardians and their children in the Catholic Voluntavy Secondary School sector at local and national level. It comprises of local school parents' councils, regional councils and a national executive.
Our role is to help parents establish Parent Associations in secondary schools, provide information on the role of those Parent Associations and represent the views of those Parent Associations at national level on the National Parents Council post primary. We provide information and guidance to help parents and guardians.
Membership is open to Parents Associations in all Catholic voluntary secondary schools who subscribe to the aims of the CSSPA.
Our Aims and Ethos |
To support the rights of parents to be involved and consulted in the education of their children and promote the formation and development of Parents Councils in all affiliated schools
To promote the continuous existence of voluntary Catholic Secondary Schools.
To promote a holistic approach to education which will develop the spiritual, social, academic and physical characteristics of the student with emphasis on the growth of the individual.
To promote the continued availability of the Catholic education now provided in schools administered by religious orders in Ireland.
To promote the preservation of Christian values in our society.
To While respecting the autonomy of individual councils, to provide guidelines and recommendations for their effective operation, to keep them informed of trends in education, and provide when necessary, a means of co-ordinating their activities on a National level.
To promote liaison with other organisations concerned with education.
To foster an increasingly effective spirit of co-operation in all affiliated schools between management, teachers, parents and students.
To assist parents to know and obtain their rights, and fulfil their duties with regard to the education of their children, in that they are free to choose, according to their consciences, the type of school they want for their children, that they have an effective voice in educational development, and to promote an appreciation of the value of education among all sections of the community.